
10 tips to organize your matrimonial bedroom

Are you thinking of organizing your marriage bedroom differently now that summer is approaching? Did you just buy a house and do not know how to order your room? Well do not miss this post because from our furniture store in Valencia we have prepared a small guide of tips and ideas to give a unique air to your bedroom.

How can I organize the marriage bedroom?
Choosing the layout of our bedroom can become an odyssey in the face of the great number of possibilities offered by space and furniture. Therefore, it is necessary to have clear some steps to follow that allow us to combine aesthetics and design with functionality and comfort.

Measure space and adapt to it: It's the first thing we have to do. Know how much our bedroom measures and adapt our preferences to that space. If we have clear the surface that we have will be much simpler to select the ideal furniture that also suits our tastes.
The bed in the center: We must try that the bed is in the center of the room so that it is free on both sides and there is room to be able to move freely. Its situation is very important, since the rest of the distribution and decoration will be in accordance with this.organizar-domitorio-matrimonial2
Do not forget the lighting: Lighting is also essential in any bedroom. The ideal is to have natural lighting during the day and that the lamps are only necessary when night falls. If by the provision this is not possible, always opt for simple ceiling lamps, which do not overload the environment and do not take up space.

Look for harmony with the accessories in the room: It usually happens that we buy separately the accessories and accessories for our room and sometimes it is not easy to fit them in when we get home. The advisable thing is not to buy anything without having clear the measures and the surface with which we counted and to be conscious that everything (pictures, curtains, carpets, mirrors, etc.) must be in tune with the style of the decoration.
Optimize the space with the cabinets: It is best to place them in corners away from the door or opt for built-in wardrobes if possible. Be aware of the limitations of spaces and assess how much they will occupy the doors when they open, for example. Organize-bedroom-marriage
Every garment on your hanger: Keeping your computer in the closet seems simple, but it's not always easy. However, in the market there are many models of hangers designed for each garment that will make our work easier. Get them and keep your wardrobe tidy, you will avoid clutter and space problems.

Use covers to store your clothes: When you change the season, use covers to save the clothes of each season, this way you will save space and keep your clothes in better condition. You can also use them to store blankets, Nordic fillings or cushions that will not be used in a while.
Buy plastic boxes for shoes: This way you can identify without problems what is inside and store your shoes in an organized way. In addition you will keep all your shoes in optimal conditions without deforming.organizar-domitorio-matrimonial3
Boxes, boxes and more boxes !: They will be your great ally, since they will facilitate you to keep everything you need in an organized way and saving a lot of space. A tip: use labels and identification cards to know with a simple glance what is in each one. You can find boxes decorated with very good taste and that you can leave as a decorative element.
Keep the drawers organized: Currently you will find different organizers for drawers adapted to the measurements of each piece of furniture. You can use them to store ties, socks, underwear, jewelry ... It seems silly, but it will make your life much easier when you do not have to waste time looking for the things you need.

Have these tips helped you? Do you have any technique to order your bedroom? We would love for you to share it with us! Together we can create a complete guide of decoration and organization of double bedrooms.

Boss Maids
Organized in Brooklyn

Boss Maids
Organized in Brooklyn

reference : https://muebles-lara.es/10-consejos-para-organizar-tu-dormitorio-matrimonial/